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Behind the Scenes—Our 2020 Plant Sale

Amy Dietrich

Putting a plant sale on of this magnitude like the one that is just about to go live has been a massive undertaking. It's not just all beautiful plant photos and sunsets. It's computer screens, newly coded integrating systems, label printers, farm crew, marketing experts, tax law for reselling on e-commerce, volunteers that keep me focused and organized.

It's a daughter who has taken on a lot of the grocery shopping and dinner making roles. A son who is juggling college but offering two hours a day to help. It's a husband who is everything you can imagine.

Since my meltdown after the frost, we've been building systems to save our backs and tons of time.

Honestly, the things I have been the most proud of are not the things I have done alone but rather the things that took ALL hands on deck!

Walla Walla, let's collectively grow the biggest garden space ever this year! Eleven acres at Froghollow Farm, two raised beds in Kris's back yard, 10' by 10' on the side of Greg's house, 1/2 acre on Clarence St... on and on and on!!

Let's log our efforts for the world to see! A call to action where you will see almost immediate results. I would like to form a Facebook page: WALLA WALLA—THIS IS HOW MY GARDEN GROWS!

Everyone has something to be proud of and share.



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